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Arranging music has been a passion of mine for years. As a teacher, it has been invaluable for me to enable ensembles to perform music that was not originally for them, and has been a skill I have called upon frequently in this arena. 

This project has been something altogether different, however. Borne out of the pandemic, I started arranging well-loved popular songs in completely different genres from their original, partly as a means of self-entertainment and education, but also as a way of creating a sense of ensemble at a time when performing with others was impossible (the 'I Love You' in What a Wonderful World was a particularly emotional thing to work on during lockdown.

'reimagination' is the name that I have settled on for this collection, which I intend on cumulatively adding to as inspiration strikes! Requests and recommendations for the next song (with suggested genre) are welcome!

All contents in this website are Copyright © John Mann 2023

Photographs by Andrew Walmsley (unless otherwise stated)

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